Interested in Budgeto's plans and prices? Our price varies between $15 and $45 per month per company, depending on the options selected. Customers who opt for an annual billing would benefit from a discount between 33% and 40%. Get access to Budgeto for less than a $1 per day! For more information about Budgeto's plans and prices, consult the following article: |
1- Start by opening the COMPANY SETTINGS MENU by pressing on the configuration button in the top right.
2- Then select SUBSCRIPTION PLAN to consult your current subscription.
3- Then check the BOX next to the option(s) you wish to add to your company. These options include:
- Number of scenarios
- Number of collaborators
- Bookkeeping integration
How to switch from Monthly to Yearly payments
We are working hard at making Budgeto more intuitive. To switch your current payment plan from monthly to yearly, follow these steps:
- Turn OFF your Auto-renew;
- Wait till the end of your current billing cycle;
- Return to the SUBCRIPTION PLAN page and then purchase a YEARLY Budgeto license.
How to turn off auto renew
To cancel your subscription, simply disable the automatic renewal. Your plan and options will expire at the end of your billing cycle. This means you'll have access to the service until the end of your current billing cycle. To see when your cycle ends, please see this page: Subscription Plan

We will not do this for you as this is inherent in your own profile.
Still need help? These resources are for you!
1- There is a search bar at the top right of the screen, use it often! Use words that you see on the section you are dealing with in order to search for related articles in our Knowledge Base.
2- If you haven't found an answer to your question, create a support ticket and our team will find an answer for you:
Click here to create a new ticket for help
3- If you have any other questions about Budgeto, write us an email at: [email protected]
Happy Budgeting and know that we are here for you if you need help!
The Budgeto Team
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Related Articles (Please refer to the links below)
- How to consult my subscription
- Select plans for individual company in a multi-company account.